Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Join the bandwagon.

Everyone loves good publicity. And when everyone can bash on someone who obviously did something terrible, they probably would.

"Hillary has spoken out about radio host Don Imus: "I've never wanted to go on his show and I certainly don't ever intend to go on his show, and I felt that way before his latest outrageous, hateful, hurtful comments."

"CBS Director Hopes Imus Will Be Fired"

"Obama: Fire Imus"

Rosie Still Worried About Her Job? 'View' Co-Host Continues to Defend Imus' 'Free Speech"

So much hatred. But there are those who want to forgive him. Like John McCain and John Edwards.

But just look at this guy. I would love to hate on him, but the noble thing to do is to forgive him and forget about him and what he did. I commend John & John. But oh wells.

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